Thursday, January 27, 2005

$80 Billion More for Bush's Folly

From Newsday
Thursday, January 27, 2005
Can't count on president: Bush's equation for cutting the deficit amounts to nothing more than hype
There's a dreamy, delusional quality to George W. Bush's continued insistence that he will cut the federal budget deficit in half in four years.

The president said that again yesterday,shortly after requesting another $80 billion for the war in Iraq and projecting a record-setting deficit this year that will top last year's record-setting deficit.

Bush promised to lay out how he'll get from here to therenext week, when he presents his 2006 budget to Congress. Beware fuzzy math. It will take an amazing sleight of hand to make the numbers appear to add up.
Read the rest. What can I say? We can't afford this war, Mr. Bush. There was no threat. There is now, but only because our military is in target range. Stop spending my kids' future.

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